Shift & Gear is a passion project video game which is mostly inspired by the Mario & Luigi games, while also being inspired by Tomato Adventure, UT/DR, and various 2000's media along with experiences from myself as a person.

The story, heavily summarized, goes like this:

Shift and Gear are two detectives that reside in Center City, Nexus. Unfortunately, they don't get much work as they have a record of failing jobs. Because of this, Gear has developed an extreme fear of failure.

But when Homala, an infamous dark witch, returns from banishment in search of the 8 mythical Fallen Gems throughout the country they reside in that is the Northern States, Shift and Gear are now required to aid the legendary Lumeno to reseal her before the universe shatters.

Along the way, they will learn many techniques, meet friends and enemies, and come to terms with the idea of success.


I'm skidwithaG. I was born on November 17, 2007, and as of 1/26/2025, the time I am writing this, I am 17 years old.

Previous things I've worked on include music for Techncolour's Sonic 3 and Tenna mod, and minor work on DELTARUINED.

While I technically have made more digital art than other things, I also am currently learning music and coding things more, thanks to the creation of this website finally coming to fruition.

I'm also SUPER cracked at Smash. Come at me

The reason I want to make games, and THIS game in particular because I like seeing how they tick and how they're made. Games have taught me many skills and lessons as I grew up with them, all the way back when I was a little kid playing on my Wii.

I'm genuinely thankful if you enjoy the things I make, as it reminds me that people care about me and like seeing what I come up with, it gives me a much needed ego boost so I can stay motivated to create the things I want to create.

If you potentially want to work on Shift & Gear, no matter your profession, you can email me or friend me on Discord (which will likely get you a response faster!)

Email: shiftandgeargame@gmail.com

Discord: @skidwithag
